What we do
Medical Imaging
Image processing can help to see what is usually not visible in standard conditions and enhances the potentiality of each image modality Images have radically changed the clinical practice in the last decades and we strongly believe that the continuos interaction between the clinical and the technical components can lead to solve open issues. We mostly work to improve radiotherapy treatments but we are open to any collaboration which involves the biological environment.
Computer vision
Interaction between computers and real world requires a continue exchange of informations. A natural way to perform this interaction is to extract data mimicking the human perception. Because an Image is worth a thousand words.
clinical engineering
We firmly believes that the healthcare system is one of the most complex environment and, consequently, requires special attentions in decisions planning and management, in order to ensure maximum safety for patient and healthcare operators. So, our research and professional activities also includes Clinical Engineering topics, such as Health Technology Assessment, hospital-related plants and electrical safety in medicine.

M. Spadea

P. Zaffino

S. Scaramuzzino

G. Pileggi